I don't want to enter in the discusion if Catalonia or Spain is better, or if is better the independence of Catalonia or not, I want to talk about what is better for the students that are now studing in Catalonia.
Actually the primary language in the world is English, with English you can visit a lot of countries. It's really necessary to speak English very well to have a better future and more working opportunities. The second language in the world is Spanish, with Spanish and English you can travel all the world! It's very good luck to be born in a country where the primary language is one of these two.
I understand that Catalonia has a little bit of hate to Spain but it's important for the students of Catalonia to have more level of Spanish. It is normal that here the people want to conserve the language of the zone, but with Catalan you can only go to Andorra, Valencia and Balear islands, so it is a minority language. It's better to learn Spanish and English first. I don't want to delete the Catalan of the education, but I prefer Spanish first and then English, because it is better for our future, but it's just my opinion.